- 17/02/2022 -

Marketing and Digital Influencers: Choose the Right Influencer for Your Brand

Those who work with Cross Border need to learn how to really invest in Marketing and digital influencers to achieve significant increases in purchasing decisions and in the qualification of the customer experience.

In today's article, besides talking about the concepts of Influencer Marketing and Digital Influencers, we will present the main advantages of knowing how to choose the ideal influencer to work with your brand.

What is influence marketing?

The world of marketing has induced a series of changes in society in the face of new methods of knowing, sending, and purchasing products and services.

Therefore, those who work with sales, especially international sales, need to have a better grasp on strategic influencing actions.

The Marketing concept, in general, can be understood as a set of actions that have as an objective the optimization of results through a strategy of creation and dissemination of the image and of the goods or services of a company.

Within this set is influence marketing, aimed at practices developed by people who exert influence or leadership over potential customers of a brand.

There are two basic ways of executing influencer marketing: paid media and earned media, and it is up to companies to decide which way to go on the Internet.

Actions of an Influencer in marketing

digital influencer acting in a campaign to promote a product

Within influencer marketing, there are digital influencers who work in a paid way, carrying out campaigns and actions focused on the promotion of a product, service, or brand.

This action is contemplated within the concept of paid media, in which influencers are paid to work in alignment with the company's positioning.

In spontaneous media, these influencers act as partners of the companies and receive no compensation. Their gains are identified from exchanges such as greater visibility, prestige, access to events, etc.

What does a digital influencer do?

A professional who works with influencer marketing is called a digital influencer.

This professional works in internet communication channels, such as social networks, websites, and blogs, producing content that influences the following users' consumption decisions.

A digital influencer that matches a brand ends up building bonds of trust and closeness with physically distant people through digital media, increasing the company's online presence, achieving more sales through e-commerce, and generating new customers and loyalty.

Therefore, it becomes important to seek influencers with profiles closer to the brand's objectives and with target audiences that consume products or services similar to those offered by the company. Read on to understand better.

How to find influencers for your brand?

marketing and digital influencers learn how to find influencers for your brand

Before figuring out how to find digital influencers that are ideal for your company, define your business profile and brand goal when creating each marketing campaign.

From there, try to identify in which media your potential customers are (blogs, social networks, website, etc.), in order to form a profitable influencer marketing in these channels.

After these initial steps, go on to rank the Influencers by the criteria of reach, resonance, engagement, and relevance. 


The number of avid online shoppers in many countries is growing all the time. In the reach criteria, the more famous the influencer is, the more visibility your brand will achieve.

Filter the most suitable profiles for your campaigns, ensuring that your message reaches a good number of people.

This is a good door to venture into the international market, presenting your product anywhere in the world. The perfect alliance in this context is an Influencer who understands cross border.

In other words, a celebrity influencer who develops Social Selling and can lead his users to sales channels and export products through online stores.


marketing and digital influencers acting to promote a product or service

But it is also possible to have good results with local Influencers, as long as they know how to develop true interactions with their target audience.

For example, if your product is in the sports area, how about looking for a soccer player that is on the rise on social networks?

You can research and evaluate yourself through what is posted by the influencers on their own digital profiles and by the interactions in the comments. 

Dedicating yourself to this step is essential to guarantee a campaign targeted at true consumers interested in your products or services. Many times, these same customers like it so much that they share the campaign with their friends, influencing even more people.


digital influencer with engagement through likes and comments

Just as important as reach is the engagement that the influencer has with the audience. There is no point in having thousands of followers, if they are not willing to interact and, consequently, buy.

A good criterion to observe the level of engagement is through the number of likes and comments. A post with hundreds of comments is the result of an engaged audience interested in consuming.

Good professional influencers often present their metrics so that the contractor can get an idea of the return they can get on their investment and assess whether it is worth it. By aligning all these points, the chances that your Cross Border e-commerce will succeed are high.


In the relevance criterion, the influencer must have knowledge about the importance of the content, that is, he or she needs to know what he or she is talking about and what impacts he or she can promote within your company's segment.

Especially if the content is global in nature, such as social, political, and environmental issues. In this way, it can assertively bring your company's vision closer to any user who identifies with it.

Making the right choice of influencers and investing in influencer marketing provides faster, more transparent and efficient ways to boost your online sales.

The closer talk with consumers and the greater chance of knowing their interests, guarantee a greater reach of visibility, engagement, and purchase decision making.

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