How to Export
- 03/09/2021 -

LCPO Templates: General Export Guide

The changes in the Foreign Trade area related to regulations, are recent and have brought new procedures. One of the main ones is the LCPO models, a new module of the Single Foreign Trade Portal (Siscomex), introduced in 2020. 

The module, which can be used for both import and export transactions, was created by the government, implemented to the new model of the Single Import Declaration, the DUIMP, with the aim of making the tasks of companies working in the field of foreign trade simpler and more organized.

In this article you will understand what LCPOs are and the role of the model in export and import. Read on. 

What is DUIMP?

Before we get to the LCPO, it is important to understand what DUIMP means. Simply put, the Single Import Declaration has been in the Siscomex system as a beta version since 2018. It was a measure to make some import processes easier and less bureaucratic.

The DUIMP allows companies that have the OEA (Authorized Economic Operator) certificate to anticipate the bureaucratic procedures that need to be done. Therefore, when the goods are still in transit, all the bureaucracy is already done. In this way, the whole process is more agile.

Another interesting point is that the DUIMP allows the registration of several shipments in one Import License (LI).

The LCPO is part of DUIMP. It is an expansion of its scope, for those who need to license products for import. 

What does LCPO mean? 

The acronym LCPO stands for Licenses, Permits, Certificates and Other Documents. It is a new module within Siscomex, with the objective of facilitating and giving more transparency to the consenting bodies, making export processes more controlled.

In this area, you can find everything you need to know about the import and export bureaucracy. There you will also find the different models of forms with the necessary documents for the companies to carry out these processes.

The LCPO can also serve as a check-list, in that before importing or exporting the goods, you will know if all the requirements have been met. 

How important is the LCPO? 

As we have already pointed out, the LCPO came to simplify the import and export processes. Before, all this was much more complicated and full of red tape. To give you an idea, many products needed an import license to present to the government and other agencies, which already took a long time.

The only thing is that some of these licenses had to be made shortly before the goods were shipped. This rule created excessive delays and delayed all the work.

With the advent of the LCPO, this became more agile, because there is a centralization of the licensing information in which all agencies involved can have access to the import or export request.

The analyses of these licenses also occur simultaneously and no longer one after the other as in the past. This makes the process much faster. Another advantage in this regard is the reuse of data from similar imports and exports. The LCPO can be taken advantage of.

When to use LCPO?

 The LCPO is used in both export and import, although they are distant activities, with other types of rules. What they have in common are some standard bureaucratic procedures that will give or not the authorization for the process to continue. 

 In this way, the LCPO is necessary for the acquisition of fundamental documents for both processes, such as tax information, health permits, and others that may be mandatory depending on the operation that will be carried out.

However, the function of the LCPO is the same for both cases: to facilitate and simplify the work by centralizing information. 

LCPO by trade

Some products, in very specific cases, need to have the license issued by the authorities and not by the exporter. These are called licenses ex officio. In this case, the agency must generate a LCPO ex officio, from the exporter's request.

That is why it is always good to research very well if there is a need to issue the LCPO or if it is ex officio. This research must be done on the Secint website (Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais), through the CNPJ, if the license was issued or not. 

How to use LCPO

Before understanding how LCPO works, it is worth pointing out that not all products need LCPO.

It is essential to know which one you require. To find out this information, simply consult Siscomex with the NCM code (Mercosur Common Nomenclature) that establishes the rules for the goods. The nomenclature follows the rules of the international classification of products.

Once it is confirmed that the product needs the LCPO, within Siscomex you will take the following steps:

- Choose the import or export area

- Attach the order in the LCPO part of the site itself

- Select the Consenting Body

- Fill in information about the importer or exporter (CNPJ and type of merchandise)

- Select the product from within the Siscomex catalog

- Inform the country of origin and destination of the goods

- Register the LCPO and wait for the process analysis

Always keep an eye on the portal until the analysis arrives even to quickly correct possible irregularities. You can already use the LCPO number, before the analysis is completed. 

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