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- 14/09/2021 -

Transparent Checkout: Learn about the advantages!

Cart abandonment is one of the main concerns for e-commerce entrepreneurs. This usually happens because of problems to finalize the purchase, that is, at checkout. Many times this final process is extensive, bureaucratic, leading to other pages, bringing distrust and, consequently, the desistance of the purchase.

A worldwide survey by E-Commerce 2018 revealed that about 70.1% of consumers pointed to difficulty when finalizing the purchase as one of the main causes for abandoning the cart.

The Ve Interative company concluded that the average abandonment rate in Brazil is over 83%. It means that all these people give up buying the products at the time of payment.

But for all this there is a solution: the transparent checkout. This is an important feature that simplifies the moment of payment, bringing more security to customers, credibility to the online store, and thus reducing the number of cart abandonment.

Read on to understand more about transparent checkout and the benefits it can provide your business. 

What does Transparent Checkout mean? 

As in any business, the goal of online stores is to have a good profitability. And one of the determining factors for this is the checkout. Therefore, it is interesting to understand the importance of transparent checkout, through a comparison with traditional models. 

In the common or standard checkout, personal data are filled in on the store's website. Then, when it is time to pay, the customer is directed to the page of some purchase intermediary, such as Paypal, Pagseguro, Mercado Pago, among others. On this tab, the payment data is entered and the purchase journey can be completed.

With transparent checkout, this process is simplified. The customer enters personal and banking data on just one page. After filling out the fields and clicking on the button to finalize the purchase, the payment can already be made. Much less bureaucratic.

So with the transparent checkout, the customer stays on the store's website all the time until he or she completes the purchase. This makes the consumer more secure, and avoids a lengthy process in the virtual environment, which is meant to be agile. 

And perhaps most importantly: this way many people come to trust your brand, and you can create a bond of loyalty over time. 

Now, looking at it in a more technical way, the tool is the data communication between the store and the payment processor, without moving the user to another page. 

What are the advantages of transparent checkout?

You may have already realized that having a transparent checkout is a very good thing for your online business. Here we list some very interesting benefits that this feature guarantees. See below: 

Dynamic Process 

As we mentioned, it is not necessary to change sites to complete the purchase. This alone makes the journey much more agile. According to a study done by MeSeems/MindMiners, about 62% of Brazilian consumers use the cell phone as the only means of making online purchases. Directing them to another page ends up hindering the functionality of the mobile device, which can cause them to abandon the purchase.


Another advantage of the transparent checkout is that it makes customer service always more convenient. The customers' data can be stored in the system, so they do not have to fill it in again with every completed purchase. Another factor that makes the customer experience much more pleasant. 

Reduces cart abandonment

This is perhaps the greatest benefit of transparent checkout. Changing your site to make a payment creates mistrust and bureaucracy, which encourages visitors to your site to give up on their purchase. 

Increase in conversions 

According to a worldwide study conducted by Barrilance, a company focused on the study of e-commerce data, the agility of the purchase decreases the abandonment of carts and, consequently, there is an increase in sales conversion. The user feels more secure and starts to have confidence in your online store, contributing to the loyalty and increase in sales. 

More security

This advantage is related to the previous ones, because most customers do not feel safe giving their bank details on another page. With transparent checkout, this is no longer a problem. 

More professional image

Nowadays, most people are used to shopping online and therefore pay attention to many details in online stores. The transparent checkout draws attention, as it can provide the perception of brand professionalism.

Setting up Transparent Checkout

Now that you know the relevance of the transparent checkout for your store, it is time to set it up. For this, there are some rules to be followed that make a difference in the consumer's buying decision. 

Never direct the customer 

We have already explained that the practice of directing the customer to make payment on another page is harmful. It directly impacts sales conversion and brand image. Never do this. 

Only necessary data

Only ask for the data that is really necessary. Make the checkout as quick as possible, making your customer fill in as few fields as possible. CPF, name, e-mail, and card information are already more than enough to make any purchase.  

Competent design 

A good design is fundamental for checkout, even more so on mobile devices. An efficient design brings security and ease when filling in data. A factor that also brings dynamism to the service. 

Make many tests

It is essential to test a lot to make sure that everything is in order, especially when it comes to layout. Only then can you detect what needs to be corrected and present a quality service to your customers. 

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